You can make a real difference for animals by engaging with your MP and influencing policy decisions. Here are four key ways to help:

  • Step 1. Find your MP

    You can find your MP, their email address, and phone number here. Once you have this, please fill out our form here to let us know who your MP is. This helps us plan how we can influence most effectively.

    You can also research your MP, in particular whether they have a ministerial role, sit on any relevant committees, and whether they have ever publicly mentioned animals or farming (e.g. on X or in parliament)

    Step 2. Decide your political asks

    Read Our Political Asks to decide what you want to discuss with your MP. We advise raising only one policy issue within your email makes it easy to respond to.

    Step 3. Draft your email

    To have the biggest impact, we recommend asking your MP for a meeting, but if you don’t have the time you can also ask your MP to submit a written parliamentary question.

    To ensure you get a response your email must include:

    • Full name

    • Email address

    • Phone number

    • Postcode to confirm that you are within their constituency.

    To build a rapport can start your email by thanking the MP for any issue of yours they or their party has previously supported. Personalize your email by explaining why the issue matters to you.

    Always remember to be polite and respectful in any correspondence. 

    You can use the UK Voters for Animals GPT to help draft your email.

    Step 4. Track your progress

    Record your emails and any responses in this spreadsheet. This helps us keep track of which MPs are supportive of our asks. 

    It might take several weeks for your MP to respond, if you haven’t heard from them in two-weeks you can send a chase email.

    Step 5. Don’t forget to follow up

    If you receive a response from your MP don’t forget to follow up. This email can include: 

    • Thanks for responding to your email. 

    • Thanks for any support expressed for your asks and animals in general. 

    • Remind them of ways they can increase their support for animals by:

      • Raising these issues with their Party HQ or DEFRA

      • Asking questions in Parliament

      • Being an active supporter of relevant Bills, and opposition to Bills that harm animals

      • Joining their Party’s animal welfare society, e.g. LAWS or the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation

      • If relevant, use their position as a Minister or Committee Member to bring about positive change for animals. 

    • Inform them you will continue to stay in touch on animal welfare issues. 

    If you get a response to this follow-up email, please also add this to the tracking spreadsheet

    Thank you for taking action to help animals!

  • Step 1. Find your MP

    You can find your MP, their email address, and phone number here.

    You can also research your MP, in particular whether they have a ministerial role, sit on any relevant committees, and whether they have ever publicly mentioned animals or farming (e.g. on X or in parliament)

    Step 2. Decide on the written parliamentary quesion

    MPs can only submit written parliamentary questions that haven’t been previously asked. Select a parliamentary questions from this prepared a list.

    Step 3. Draft your email

    To ensure you get a response your email must include:

    • Full name

    • Email address

    • Phone number

    • Postcode to confirm that you are within their constituency.

    To build a rapport can start your email by thanking the MP for any issue of yours they or their party has previously supported. Personalize your email by explaining why the issue matters to you.

    Always remember to be polite and respectful in any correspondence. 

    You can use the UK Voters for Animals GPT to help draft your email.

    Step 4. Track your progress

    Record your emails and any responses in this spreadsheet. This helps us keep track of which MPs are supportive of our asks. 

    It might take several weeks for your MP to respond, if you haven’t heard from them in two-weeks you can send a chase email.

    Step 5. Don’t forget to follow up

    If you receive a response from your MP don’t forget to follow up. This email can include: 

    • Thanks for responding to your email. 

    • Thanks for any support expressed for your request and animals in general. 

    • Remind them of ways they can increase their support for animals by:

      • Being an active supporter of relevant Bills, and opposition to Bills that harm animals

      • Joining their Party’s animal welfare society, e.g. LAWS or the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation

      • If relevant, use their position as a Minister or Committee Member to bring about positive change for animals. 

    • Inform them you will continue to stay in touch on animal welfare issues. 

    If you get a response to this follow-up email, please also add this to the tracking spreadsheet

    Thank you for taking action to help animals!

  • The UK Government regularly invites members of the public to respond to consultations on issues affecting the lives of farmed animals.

    Right now you can respond to the UK Government Consultation on the use of insects in animal feed. Read our guide on how to respond.

    Sign up to our newsletter to be notified of consultations and to receive guidance on how to complete the consultation.

    Thank you for taking action to help animals!

  • Sign up to our newsletter to be notified of when bills are being debated in Parliament and to receive a briefing on how to persuade your MP.

    Thank you for taking action to help animals!